Tuesday, August 11, 2009


No - this doesn't look right. As you can see I've suspended the now tied-up pages of IJ from a ceiling hook. I thought that perhaps to have the pages in the air, or moving "up" toward the heavens would capture the power of the book. But I get nothing inspiring from this, nothing beautiful and nothing close to an image of string theory.


  1. Bolano's 2666 has a section where a character hangs a book by a string outside his house and watches it for days and days.

    Also noteworthy, DeLillo's new novel has an infinity sign on the cover.


  2. F*ck me that's cool. Everybody's talking along these lines then. Wonder what that's all about? Is there one big Cosmic Mind? My tied-up pages are just now intermitently moving, waving (no breeze here), then occasionaly spinning as the string gets wound up. Basking in the changing light of my second story window - it intermittently, spontaneously winds and unwinds itself, this book of string.


Surely You Jest...