Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For Immediate Release: the Abbot of Theleme joins Readinginfinitejest.com:

Blog founder John Vivant is pleased to announce that the Abbot of Theleme has joined Readinginfinitejest.com:

"The esteemed Abbot of Theleme is a welcome addition to our team. In fact, the Abbot was not only an early reader of The Book but perhaps its greatest celebrant; a herald really. It was the Abbot who brought The Book, The Thick Book, to my attention and pressed me repeatedly to read it. Having now finally read it, I have to say that The Book is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received. Perhaps life altering. To see the Abbot's name now among the list of contributors to the blog has giving me cause to rejoice..."

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