Thursday, January 8, 2009

Shuttling between classes

Busy day. No time to read. "Prep Period" was used for prep and lunch was used to run a lunchhourleague. Haven't read one word of page 51 and certainly haven't glimpsed any of the errata.


  1. For when you find time to pull those pages from your pocket and shelve the shuttlecock, here's one thought from that post-suicide tribute blog: "Don Gately is the most honest character in 20-C literature, and therefore the most heroic" (or words much to that effect).

  2. Don't lose steam, Vivant. Aim for p. 150 and everthing should flow from there. I'll come over and give you a back rub at p. 300. (Maybe.)

  3. Mr. Ashdale - you're not actually a tall, plump-assed, dyed-blonde, Romanian stripper are you? If so - your my man. I mean...massage therapist. g/God this is going to be gruelling. DFW is...too much of what I've always wanted. I read a sentence and I could riff on it for days...But I must stay focused, I know. Still, a little lap dance would be really nice...


Surely You Jest...