Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Page 47: The Amputation of the Mom's Head: During Gymteacher Lunch

With Pinot Paul's blind-sided assault on my Reading style, I was left reeling. It's hard enough to be committing Literary Attrocities without having your drinking buddies stabbing you in the back.

What to do then to allevaite the anxiety?

A little pleasure reading during Education Ministry Allotted Lunch Hour perhaps?

Don't mind if I do...

And within seconds, on the first line of page 47 I am reading these DFW Words:

"...his mother's disembodied head, and he cannot. Last night's Subject note indicates that at some point last night Orin had clutched her head with both hands and tried to sort of stiff-arm her...The apparent amputation of the Mom's head from the rest of the Mom's appears in a dream to be clean and surgically neat: there is no evidence of a stump or any kind of nubbin of neck, even, and it is as if the base of the round pretty head had been sealed, and also sort of rounded off..."

You see Pinot! Dismemberment IN the book, therefore...dismember THE book.

What I am doing is perfectly in keeping with the writing of DFW.

His book is begging to be torn to pieces and carried around in big jackets and denim.

I love coincidences...


Surely You Jest...