Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jagged Tear: Pages 57 to 60

The spine almost bridled tonight or perhaps held firm - as I tore off some new pages.

It's a cold night here in Torontocanada. And The Nest is a bit cool. Perhaps The Spine of The Carcass was stiff simply from the cold. Thank g/God for the wide margins of this Back Bay Books edition which Mr. Ashdale says - was - worth 150 points. The wide margins in books have been a joy to me in the past - because I liked to go hard with pencil notations - but now that I have become a dismemberer of books the margins do me a great service because they leave room for anomalies like the cold of tonight or simply poor tearing form.

With such large margins in IJ we just might end up with some delicious jaggedness of left margins in the future - if the spine holds firm. Long live The Spine.

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