Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pages 5 - 8: In bed

I learn that Hal's test scores are subnormal. I laugh a lot at the characterizations of the people in the room: the three Deans, the Head Coach and the Director of Athletics. One Dean is the Yellow Dean.

I laugh and yet a lot of stuff is going over my head. I have lived for a long time with the illusion that I'm kind of smart. Eight pages in and I'm starting to feel subnormal myself.

Meanwhile, I'm still in bed and I've run out of pages.

Do I risk getting up to go down to The Carcass in my office for more pages - thereby boosting my adrenaline and losing the drowsiness I need to nap or - do I just lie here snuggling with my crunchy pages and wait for sleep to come while trying to remember what comes next in the story of the tennis recruit- from the one hundred pages that I read over the course of two years? Surely that memory search task will crash my system and put me into sleep mode...zzz...

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