Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Education Ministry Dumbbells - Pictured with Pages 133-142 Plus Errata

I realized today that I am going to have to ramp up my workrate (reading) in order to complete the Thick Book challenge in a time that is satisfactory to me.

Typically I have been doing 1 set (day) of 6 reps (pages).

This lame, pu*ssy-a*ssed stuff.

Today I will do atleast 1 set of 10 reps.

Unless of course I attack the carcass tonight for another set of pages.

Tomorrow though I think that I will look to do 20 reps during the day.

Given that I have about 850 more pages (reps) + errata to go, this would have me finishing off the monsterous Thick Book within (850 ÷ 20) 43 days. I would therefore be victorious in early March and be able use the leisure of my Education Ministry Spring "Break" to find out what IJ is really about and why DFW killed himself.

As I've said before, I don't want to get into the whys of IJ + DFW just now. I just want to enjoy the glorious pain of hacking through what is - apparently - a brilliant book written by an - apparently - incandescent writer.

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