Thursday, January 8, 2009

My first footnote

A proud moment.


Some might focus on the fact that I have missed 3 footnotes already. But what do I care? I am a psycho-murderer who has the potential to become a serial killer (of "books"). Critics are small potatoes to me. I want small joys, victories - like #4 - "prorectors".


"What's a prorector, DFW?"

"Don't call me Dee-Eff-Double-You, Dear Reader."

"Sorry...Baby...I...I...I just want to know what a prorector is..."

"Simply consult the Notes and Errata!...that's what they're there for!..."

"Sorry. So sorry to upset you...I will...I will consult them...I carved those up yesterday...I have the remains right my bloody hands...By the way I love, love, love the word "errata". Care to join me for a glass of wine?"

"No thank you, Dear Reader, I'm dead just now."

"Just now? I like that. You'll never die. That's right, baby!. Keep talking about a writer, reading a writer...and he never dies. "

"So it's true then?"

"Oh yes, it's true, Baby - you are immortal. The only problem is..."

"What? What?"

"...I've only read 50 pages and I'm dying to know what you did that made you into such a f*cken star. You're like Jim Morrison or something..."

"Morrison? Really? Well...I guess you'll have do some f*cken reading then won't you Dear Reader if you want to figure me out - instead of Handblogging your nights away..You're pathetic. A pathetic reader..."

"Oh...I guess you're right Baby, so right...I'll read now...I'll read..."

Back at page 50:

"...these two basements and smaller tunnels often serve as student storage space and hallways between various prorectors' (4)..."

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