Friday, January 9, 2009

Page 62: Lunch hour weightroom supervision

(Be-shorted, hairy and jaded Gymteacher has just pollished off a meatball sandwich. People still tell him that the weight really disappears on his Big Frame, but he knows that his BMI must be above 32 - and that he is therefore according to all modern fitness measures, obese.)

The brilliant First Night at the Academy description really gets me reflecting on the past and thinking about the future. I am reminded of those days when I became a professional beautifulgamer and my spirit was gradually choked by banal environments like the ETA. And I wonder how on earth I have managed to now put my own joy...I mean boy...into a soccerfootball academy. It is not residential yet but the problem is that he might be good enough to be incarcerated by a soccerfootball club down the road. Why did I go down this road with him, my...Joy, when he could be happily and freely beautifulgaming with his buddies in the park and doing other expansive, fun stuff?

Perhaps it's tied to the very same thing that has me wearing shorts every day as a gymteacher.

Perhaps there is a weakness there. Or a denial of some sort. Or just plain old realism - a giving over to the pervaisive power of The System.

I wonder if there will be an answer in my continued reading of this - apparently - brilliant Thick Book.

But perhaps not. I am leery of the Thick Book's title.

Will the Infinite Jest (whatever it means) be on me when I reach the finish line, the final page, the final footnote - the last errata...?


There goes the lunch hour bell. Time to get back to gymteaching...

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