Monday, January 5, 2009

Hanging loose

Now that I'm getting deeper into The Carcass I need to be careful. The pages are starting to come free of their binding on their own. Of their own volition? Are they begining to sense freedom and trying to pull away themselves?

I need to keep an eye on this situation as I would hate to lose one of my precious pages.

I also need to better keep track of the already liberated pages I am reading or have read. For instance this morning, in my grogginess, I left pages 15-19 by my bed.

God forbid if today was a cleaning day and our Polish Cleaning Lady disposed of my pages.

I want to state for the record right now that despite the fact that I have chosen to dismember The Thick Book, it is my sincere intention to return every single page back to it's rightful owner - my dear friend, The Abbot of Theleme.

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