Sunday, March 29, 2009

Unbound growth

Done no reading this weekend. Took this picture though. Just now. Drinking some wine. Laying on my back. Thinking about reading. And I realize that binding really limits pages. Makes them small. When they are unbound, 350 pages looks as tall as 700 bound. And yet if we didn't bind pages we wouldn't have books. What should we do?

1 comment:

  1. Binding... binding people and ideas does the same thing as binding pages does. The process allows people and ideas to be amalgamated and included as part of a system, to contribute from the inside, as it were--but it limits, confines, restricts them too. Caps their expansion and expansiveness.

    True promethean heroes are never bound: Prometheus Unbound. Nor their ideas--Beethoven's late string quartets, Dylan's Tarantula, King Lear on the heath, Usain Bolt, DFW's IJ.


Surely You Jest...