Thursday, March 19, 2009

A fundamental part of human existence

Sometimes I ask myself: "Why read? Why write? Why handblog? Why not just live?"

And then I hear passionate support for literature by people like the Abbot and Peter Brooks (from the back cover):

"Following Freud's assumption that sexuality and narrative form are analogous, Brooks proposes that literature constitutes a fundamental part of human existence."

So there Vivant.

But Vivant has another question: should a person finish one narrative form (ie: a book (ie: IJ)) before beginning another (Brooks' book) or are all "books" just part of one big narrative anyway and it doesn't matter if you bounce around and "finish" nothing?

1 comment:

  1. Take option B -- bounce around and enjoy the continuum. One-book-at-a-time, finish-every-book-you-start is small-minded. Live large.


Surely You Jest...