Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pages at out of town bedside

They're tucked in a handy wire lampstand on a night table in the spare bedroom at my buddy's well lit, modern, 6th floor flat in canadascapital. My buddy's place is lined with bookshelves full of interesting books/spines like Pascal Penses, Tolstoy Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, Di Lampedusa The Leopard, Brooks Psychoanalysis and Storytelling, etc, etc. A reader's paradise. So many temptations. So many distractions from my goal of finishing before I die the Thick Book. You'll see that by my bed there's Remembering Orwell. I have to admit that I read several pages of it one night instead of my pages of Infinite Jest. I clearly have no discipline. Even now I should be reading instead of handblogging... I am on page 267 of IJ. Am struggling toward the Abbot's Page 300 Reading Launch Pad.

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