Monday, March 23, 2009

The Effect of the "End"-notes

Just sitting here during Education Ministry sanctioned lunch hour staring at at the 1-0-1-3 at the bottom of the page I am reading. The page is part of the 18 page Errata 110. It's genius. One moment you're on like page 311 cursing the length of the Thick Book, the next moment Errata 110 has taken you to page 1013 and you have the sensation of being close to the finish line. I wonder if that's how infinity feels? One moment there is existential angst and the next moment a black hole has taken you far far away. Not to the end maybe - but far away. Transported. Through and past the Thickness, the density, the mass of a universe. Genius I tell you. Can't wait to get to the "end" to see what exactly The Creator really intended by his use of time.

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