Saturday, March 21, 2009

Picture of addiction

Walking back to the arena the pages are in my back pocket but I can't escape IJ as I stop in front of a big green metal box outside the rink: Clothing for addicts. I am thinking about that character I was just introduced to who is Withdrawing from Heroin and shitting himself on public transit and how he wears a paper towel scarf. And I am reflecting on the Incandenza grandfather who I was just told went from being a golf addict to a Wild Turkey afficiando and dropped dead on a flight of stairs. Hmm - I struggle up stairs these days too. But I don't drink Turkey. I might be more like the prof at Ennet House who mixes Chianti and Quaaludes. But what sport was he addicted to before he became addicted to substances; became a Professor of the Oral Professions?

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