Friday, January 16, 2009

I hope this drink will help me...

.. get over the devastation I am feeling right now as I have realized that I left behind today's pages back at my Education Ministry issued Gymteacher Locker.

What a terrible empty feeling.

I was too busy with gymteaching today to read even one word - and being sat at my favourite Irish bar with my favourite Irish pint - I reached into my back denim pocket only to find...emptiness.

It would have been a perfect way to end a long day: the warm feeling of the best bar in town, the cool feeling of the best pint in the world sliding down my throat...and a little reading.

But all I have is an empty pocket.

And I also have a situation. I will want to read over the weekend but will I dare to skip those pages and errata left in my gymteacherlocker?

Can one skip five pages of genius and errata and still absorb the totality of that genius and errata?

What are pages? What are books? What is reading?

1 comment:

  1. Mmm. Horrible predicament, you're right.

    IJ isn't available online, I think--nor should it be. However, it IS available at my house. You can borrow my copy for the time it takes you to read those pages (or a bit longer), but ONLY if you promise to keep all sharp objects away from its beautifully intact spine.

    Alternatively you could go back and re-read already dismembered pages. Hal's freakout in the initial interview will make more sense now.


Surely You Jest...