Saturday, January 31, 2009

I felt the religion of the physical

IJ has so many great concepts, phrases in it.

The Brando wanna be could have been a contender tennis player / actor Dad of J.O.I. (James Incandenza), talks about his fall from grace, his career-ending injury:


"...I felt the religion of the physical that day, at not much more than your age, Jim, shoes filling with blood..."

Great line. I re-read much of this chapter out-loud to myself. One of my old profs insisted on the out-loud reading of Shakespeare and it is interesting that I went into out-loud mode with IJ without thinking here in the re-reading of the I Could've Been A Tennis Contender monologue.

The son never spoke in this chapter. He is only talked about, described by the Dad as a whimpering, snot-nosed nerd.

The chapter, the monologue, when read out-loud, reveals beautiful momentum in the writing. The words seem to hurtle forward just like the one-time tennis contender toward the spider which ruins everything.

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