Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fresh Denim, Fresh Pages 51 to 56, Notes and Errata - To Go

No Hashbrowns for already carb-filled ass.


  1. Sharing Vivant's literary odyssey has rekindled my interest in DFW and IJ (this interest never far from the surface).

    I've pulled my own spinally whole copy of IJ down and flipped through it. It's the kind of work that stands up to this flipping-through-at-random type perusal, once you've read it. You inevitably come across parts you remember but had forgotten were so good and parts you don't remember reading at all. Characters you barely recall and scenes that trigger only the faintest of memories.

    I started thinking, again, about DFW's suicide. Found this page of people's comments about his death and how much his writing meant to them. Some comments are predictably maudlin, others saccharine. But some are truly moving, getting to the heart of why writing is important. Here's the link:

  2. My Dear Abbot - you've put me smack-dab-in-the-middle of a quandry. The stately Mr. Ashdale (who I have recently learned is not merely a Marketingman but also actually likes books) informed me of some kind of upcoming podcast on IJ. But I politely told him that I thought I should read the book once first (no small feat) before I get into the life of DFW and the ongoing LitWorld analysis of IJ. I'm feeling the same about your kindly offered link. I have to tell you that I am very tempted to go to that link to read about Don Gately. But here I sit on a precipice: do I choose to read reflections on the book on a day where I still I have not had time to read Page 51 or do I give my time to the book itself? I am asking your opinion here Dear Abbot. I value your wisdom highly and will do whatever you say - when you say it. What should I do? I am frozen. I await your word. In the meantime...I'll waste more precious time...blogging...when I should be reading...


Surely You Jest...