Sunday, July 26, 2009

Page 635: Asexual Academies and the Progression Toward Self-Forgetting:

"It's the same at all the academies, this asexual contingent. Some junior players don't have the emotional juice left over after tennis to face what dating requires. Bold nerveless guys on the court go slack and pale at the thought of appraoching a female in any social context. Certain things not only can't be taught but can be retarded by other stuff that can be taught. The whole Tavis/Schtitt program here is supposedly a progression toward self-forgetting..."

So - given the asexualness of academies (and even sport) - according to DFW - the question is then should a parent put their son (and especially their daughter) in such an environment? To protect them? To get them to develop as much of their talent - athletic, academic, artistic - before they lose complete control of themselves?

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