DeLint speaking to Moment Magazine writer Helen Steepley's request to interview Hal for background on Orin the football star:
"These kids, the best of them are here to learn to see. Schtitt's thinking is self-transcendence through pain. These kids -' gesturing at Stice running madly up for a drop-volley that stopped rolling well insde the service line; mild applause - 'they're there to get lost in something bigger than them. To have it stay the way it was when they started, the game as something bigger, at first. Then they show talent, start winning, become big fish in their ponds out there in their hometowns, stop being able to get lost inside the game and see. Fucks with a junior's head, talent. They pay top dollar to come here and go back to being little fish and to get savaged and feel small and see and develop. To forget themselves as objects of attention for a few years and see what they can do when the eyes are off them. They didn't come here to get read about as some soft-news item or background. Babe."
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