Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Page 692: Kate Gompert's Anhedonia

"...a certain percentage of people who've gotten so dependent on chemicals for feelings of well being that when the chemicals have to be abandoned they undergo a loss trauma that reaches way down into the core systems..."


  1. From wikipedia: "Kate Gompert (born January 11, 1963) is a former professional tennis player. She reached the round of sixteen at the US Open in 1985. She had a career record of 77-78. She had a career high singles ranking of World No. 18 in July 1987."

  2. Hmm - fascinating. Can't be a co-incidence. Is the Kate of IJ a tennis player? I wonder what DFW intended here?

  3. Kate of IJ is not any kind of athlete, if memory serves. Don't know what DFW intended...maybe some kind of backhanded (sorry) "tribute" to the real KG, or a comment on where competitive tennis might lead you?


Surely You Jest...