Monday, July 20, 2009

Page 578: Randy Lenz: The Urban City Is One Big Commode:

As you can see from prior posts, just yesterday I was at a cottage. Today I am back home, in the city - happily. But there is a four week old garbage strike here and the raccoons are getting more brazen than usual. I figured out the whole raccoon-garbage problem long ago with handy little bungy-cords. But while I was away at the cottage, one clever and strong and determined raccoon got to my green garbage. The bungy is still there but the food garbage has been pulled through the tight-springy lid and the container has been dragged 20 metres. Must have been some tasty stuff in there: truffle oil pasta?; oyster shells? cause such a determined attack on my Bungied Green Garbage Container.

I am POSTING about my garbage because coincidentally I was READING about garbage in Infinite Jest this morning. And while I don't believe in g/God I might believe in coincidences.

Here's part of the paragraph I started to read after I walked past my garbage (without cleaning it up (maybe Don Gately can come by and do it for me?)):

Page 578:

"Dumpsters' garbage doesn't have just one smell, depending. The urban lume makes the urban night only semidark, as in licoricey, a luminescence just under the skin of the dark, and swelling. Green keeps them updated re time. Lenz has begun to refer to Green as 'brother.' Lenz says he has to piss like a racehorse. He says the nice thing about the urban city is that it's one big commode..."

Wonder if that raccoon took a piss after it ate my garbage? Mind you, I shouldn't be one to talk: I've been know to use this beautiful city as a commode before...

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