Monday, July 27, 2009

P. 649-651: The Black Shape

The horrible black shape of Geoffrey Day.

Produced by the combination of electric fan and viloin.

First in his bedroom then in his college dorm.

"I understood the term hell as of that summer day and that night in the sophmore dormitory. I understood what people meant by hell. They did not mean the black sail. They meant the associated feelings...From that day on, whether I could articulate it satisfactorily or not, I understood on an intuitive level why people killed themselves. If I had to go for any length of time with that feeling I'd surely kill myself."

1 comment:

  1. Yes...this is the passage I mistakenly quoted as being about "the black wing." Wing, shape - whichever, the pages are brilliant and terrifying and, I think, could only have been written by someone who'd spent some time living under the BS's shadow.


Surely You Jest...