Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New York Times Tennis Blogger Pays Tribute To David Foster Wallace:

The piece, written by Geoff MacDonald, is called:

Reading List: ‘The String Theory’ by David Foster Wallace.

It focuses on tennis player Michael Joyce and the legendary DFW tennis article called The String Theory:

"The writer’s death hit Joyce pretty hard. While recuperating from surgery for a blood clot in his leg, Joyce received a text message at 3 a.m. from a friend informing him of Wallace’s suicide. Although the two had not stayed in touch over the years, their fates were intertwined because of the immense popularity of “The String Theory” among serious tennis fans." (Source)

It's funny that I stumbled upon this article today. As you can see from my lack of handblogged posts I haven't been doing much "reading" lately.

Somehow I got a link to the article through my daily Google alert for "best footballer in the world".

I guess Google is not perfect.

You might wonder why I am generating Google alerts for "best footballer in the world" instead of "reading" Infinite Jest.

Well, I have become a little obsessed with a new project on the Best Player In The World, which focuses on soccerfootball.

I also generate a daily Google alert for "best player in the world" and while in my mind the term belongs in the soccerfootball world, it is also in wide use in the world of tennis.

Some days I get as many "best player" alerts for tennis as for soccerfootball.

This is very annoying as I am then reminded that I am not reading Infinite Jest and I hear the Abbot's voice asking, "So, are you reading...?"

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