Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Jestless. That's what I called it once. But today pageless. That's what I crave now. Pages. But they are locked down at an Educ*tion M*nistry site. Those pages. After hours. Early morn. Am in my home office. And I cannot access. I forgot them. It was me. Yes. But here I am alas. After a glowing night of Canadiansport. OrangeballLeague. Winners. Goal scorers. Now home. Laying on my back. KeithJarret playing. In my hand. All this hanppening in my hand. Handblogger. Handblogging. ONAN where art thou? Ah. Yes. Clipperton came on his gun. Lots of cum in IJ. Gately cleans it. Is that all we are? Men? Mere Salmon spawning. On to walls? Addicts. In the flow. Ah. Ah. Ah. Goal. Pass. Intercept. Go. Go. Go. Flow. Flow. Flow. I wish I had some pages to read. Writing is so painful. I'll send this still. And just hold onto the music that continues to come into my hand while I wait for sleep. Me. Player of canadiansport. Orange. Incandescent. God Bless The Child....

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