Friday, April 10, 2009

Noticing yet another DFW reference to suicide

(During post-lunch reading on Education Ministry and O.N.A.N. sanctioned Religious Holiday.)

Thank g/God for a four day weekend.

Being a gymteacher at an innercityspecialeducationschool is like being an actor in the theatre of the absurd: You have to laugh a lot where I work - or you quickly discover that the acting you are doing is for real - and that is a big existential challenge.

And so what do you do on days off to escape the madness and the lies? Well - you read Infinite Jest; you keep saying to yourself: "Damn, another reference to suicide. I wish I'd started catologuing this from the beginning - since there's no way I'm ever going to re-read this Thick Book and document every reference and therefore demonstrate that while the author was a literary genius he was also masterful suicidenotewriter.

Case in point: page 409:

"...that (Clipperton) brought the gun-case and Glock 17 out on the court with him along with his towels and water-jug and sticks and gear bag, and from his very first appearance on the East Coast jr. Tour made clear his intention to blow his brains out publicly, right there on court, if he should lose, ever, even once."

Funny stuff from DFW. I laugh in the same way I laugh at work.

I want to escape "it" and yet I can't. It's good to keep laughing though, even though it's the same laugh at work and in my reading.

Stop laughing - and your done.


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