Friday, April 24, 2009

New denim new pages new day

When I'm done this batch I'll have crossed the 500 page threshold. What does it matter though? I have just bought A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. The world of reading and DFW is endless, infinite. Sideways eight. You can never get ahead. Just enjoy it page by page, day by day. Reading. Life.


  1. Ah, A Supposedly Fun Thing. The tennis piece is very good. I remember it more than I remember Michael Chang.

  2. I wonder if Pinot has ever read DFW on cruise ships. Far as Pinot is concerned seems to be a totally fun thing he'll do again and again.

  3. Pinot has indeed read a Supposedly Fun Thing. He read it while supposedly having fun aboard ship, I believe.

    Wine & cheese were meant to be consumed together, no?

    Vivant--do NOT diverge, you tangential thing, you.


Surely You Jest...