Wednesday, May 27, 2009


No, this is not "reading".

Was chastised by Abbot last night for not reading. Mister Ashdale also looked in on me on the weekend to see if I was ok.
Haven't been carrying my pages with me for a while.

Focused on other stuff like survival/thrival of dependents, ministry of education workload, rehabilitating canadiansport injuries and soccerfootball blogging.

Hope to resume IJ reading and handblogging real soon.

In the meantime I'll "read" the 100 word stories of transit adpapers.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, good to hear your dulcet tones. I'm assuming you're on your way home from an arduous day of medical appts. Sixteen hours of tests must have made you very thirsty.

    Read when you get home. The Blond Woman will be asleep anyway.


Surely You Jest...