Monday, February 9, 2009

Street car reading

Reader can't do too much of this as Reader suffers from motion sic...blah...kness.

Reader should stop reading and confine himself to mental review of Thick Book and favourite chapters: Tucson Tennis Contender Chapter and "That" chapter.

Better stop handblogging now too as this activity on a streetcar may be far worse than just reading and cause Reader to

Subway reading

Page 207 of the "that" chapter.

So many great "that's" here.

Here's just one:

"That, perversely, it is often more fun to want something than to have it."

This chapter is a marketers dream.

Imagine the great "that" greeting cards that could be produced from such great material.

Proceeds could go to Ennet House.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Two Joys


But not doing ski school.

And of course never dreaming of an "academy".

Not reading while skiing on beautiful Canadian ski hill...

..but still obsessively handblogging photomoments...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pages in travelling bag

Illuminated by flash photography while beloved family sleeps in dismal skitownmotelroom.

Pages - BTW not read before bed in dismal canadian second story motel hotel room in ski town.

Pages neglected.

But looking quite snuggly in the bag.

Happy to be along for the ride.

While "reader" continues to miss out on optimal reading "moments" - not to mention "life" moments.

When will reader "read'?

When will reader "live"?

When will reader be a "contender"?


Not only is the place dismal but you are forced to drink your carefully selected wine out of plastic Holiday Inn Express (TM) cups (complimentary) which smell like plastic and taste like plastic - not your intent in bringing carefully selected wine. But you endure are grateful for the alcohol part of the wine - the very first time you have ever in your life drank wine for alcohol...

Reading page 204 in dismal canadian ski town hotel room

This is a bleak setting. Everything is grey here - including the people.

But I am comforted by DFW's words in the "that" chapter (which is also the AA chapter) inwhich he states:

"THAT no single, individual moment is in and of itself unendurable."